how to install a .package?

Nils Kassube kassube at
Fri Sep 13 21:37:04 UTC 2013

Mauro Sanna wrote:
> I've installed all libraries needed but when I run the script it
> always says:
> Sorry, Autopackage only supports x86 32-bit systems, or 64-bit systems
> with compatibility libraries installed. Please install the
> compatibility libraries and rerun install

Well, the .package file is not what you should run ...

> I've tried to run the bin extracted but it does not work.

In which way does it not work? If you start it from the command line 
with the command


is there an error message? When I started the program that way, the 
command didn't return but there was an icon in the system tray. I could 
click that icon and select a command from a list. I suppose that the 
program is used to access a network disk but as I don't have such a 
disk, I can't say what should really happen.


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