Printers and Scanners for Ubuntu (12.04, or 13.04)

Doug dmcgarrett at
Sat Sep 7 05:03:29 UTC 2013

On 09/07/2013 12:06 AM, Ric Moore wrote:

> My HP All-In-One ran remarkably well, until a week after the warranty 
> ran out. The color went wonky and replacing the cartridge had no effect 
> at $40 a pop. So I REALLY used my English Language skills and assertive 
> demeanor on their tech support hotline to the point I got a snide reply 
> from a lady claiming to be in charge of ALL tech service for the U.S., 
> where she said "I shouldn't have purchased an "entry-level" (cheap) 
> printer from them, if I expected it to last." I told her that my 1978 
> Teletype 43 could print 3 huge cartons of continuous form paper on one 4 
> dollar ribbon and probably is still running today. My rebuke was greeted 
> with silent frosty indifference. Beyotch.
>  From her reply, you could have blown me over with a feather that they 
> would dare to dink with ME! That said, HP Utils is in the repo, you just 
> use that to configure it and it'll run damn peachy and eat the dickens 
> out of ink printing test pages, in full glorious high density glossy 
> color, every time it gets interrupted or the power goes off. Not to 
> mention wasting a page of paper and killing another tree. HP is a cruel 
> master in my book.
> So, don't get the cheaper All-In-Ones, or they won't respect you nor 
> your expectations of their fine line of products, when you don't spend 
> "enough".
> Oh yeah, I ~promised~ her that I would tell about our encounter EVERY 
> TIME I saw the word HP in a tech forum query. I'll continue to do that 
> until ~I die~ or HP ~goes broke~ from my efforts. Old age and treachery 
> ~can~ ultimately win. I took it to the county dump site without a 
> scratch or sign of age on it. Where it belonged. <cackles> Ric
Like I said--the word is "cheesy!"


Blessed are the peacemakers..for they shall be shot at from both sides.

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