HUD not working in 13.10

Jack Wallen jlwallen at
Sun Oct 27 16:50:30 UTC 2013

On 10/27/2013 11:53 AM, Colin Law wrote:
>>> Can you be a bit more specific.  Is it that the HUD does not appear at
>>> all or does it appear and looks correct but when you type something it
>>> does not show any results?  Have you tried it with different
>>> applications?  Does a reboot fix it?
>>> Colin
> Can you provide a link to the bug please?
> Colin
Oddly enough, I logged out and logged back in a couple of times and it 
started working. I'll keep a watch on it and if it happens again I'll 
file a bug report.


jack wallen, jr <--- lover of entropy

Writer of the I Zombie, Fringe Killer, Shero, and Screampark series as
well as the upcoming The Book of Jacob Series.
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