No wired or wireless network
Liam Proven
lproven at
Mon Oct 21 15:24:07 UTC 2013
On 21 October 2013 14:53, Avi Greenbury <lists at> wrote:
> I'd say most people's mileage is different :)
Wel;l, OK, but a fair few people commented "+1" or something, no?
> Your first three points are
> specifically for when someone uses multiple different Linux installs which I
> don't think is very normal,
Upgrading Ubuntu can be a bit fraught. Yes, it usually works, but I've
also seen it fall over quite badly and heard of it quite a lot.
Installing a 2nd copy is a good way round this.
Also, that makes me think of an additional reason, actually.
As an Ubuntu root partition need only be small by modern standards -
8GB will do at a push, 12GB is plenty and my default of 16GB is
positively generous - and since Ubuntu doesn't care about being
installed in non-primary partitions, where on disk it is, if it's
active or not, or if your partitions are out of sequence - it's
usually easy to find a spare 16GB trimmed off the end of a bigger
partition somewhere to squeeze an extra copy in.
This is _not_ true if you're sizing the partition to include the
user's data, when you need lots more space.
So, while I take your point, I stand by what I said.
> your fourth is largely fixed by modern
> filesystems
I have lost data on every allegedly-robust filesystem known to man.
/None/ of them are that safe. Don't believe the hype.
> (and if that data is important it's backed up against human
> error anyway)
Yeah, well, true, but sadly most people don't back up enough. I know I don't.
> and I don't think the last is true.
Again, all I can say is that it is in my experience, although TBH I
seldom transfer a whole /home filesystem from one machine or disk to
another. I have done it, though.
Liam Proven • Profile:
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