Show Desktop ICON

Jay Ridgley jridgley2 at
Thu Oct 17 11:20:00 UTC 2013

On 10/17/2013 06:00 AM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 17 October 2013 11:50, Jay Ridgley <jridgley2 at> wrote:
>> ...
>> I am running the Cinnamon desktop, however, it was the same when I was
>> running Gnome on 10.04 and the decorations and are still there if I login
>> with ubuntu 2d (Unity) selested. Everything was working fine until about
>> Tuesday evening.
> Sorry, I can't make sense of the above sentence.  You say you have the
> problem running 12.04 with Cinnamon, but also saw it on 10.04 with
> Gnome (There are several different Gnome desktop versions).  However
> it works ok with Unity 2d.  Perhaps you meant the erroneous
> decorations are there with Unity.

Sorry, what I was trying to explain was that everything was correct prior to the 
current problem. In addition things are still correct in the other desktops, 
including Unity, that I have tried. Correct here is "the way I want things to look".

>> Window decorations are a black bar with orange and grey buttons on the right
>> (I changed them at installation time from the left). I have noticed that
>> several of the system icons are no longer displaying correctly.
> What happens if you log in as a different user?  Create one if you
> have not got one or log in as Guest user if that is enabled on your
> system.

I will create one and let you know...

> I presume you have re-booted as previously suggested.

Yes, several times.

> Colin
>> I have 2 other desktop systems configured in the same fashion that are still
>> working fine. It is just the laptop that has problems.
>> Jay


Jay Ridgley
jridgley2 at
Registered Linux User ID - 9115
Registered Ubuntu User ID - 23320

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