ancient LibreOffice

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Oct 11 07:10:21 UTC 2013

On 11 October 2013 06:04, Udvarias Ur <udvarias1 at> wrote:
> I just got an update from 1:3.5.4-0Ubuntu1.1 to 1:3.5.7-0Ubuntu4. (What
> happened to everything in between?)
> The released version on the LibreOffice WEB site is 4.1.2.

I guess you are using Ubuntu 12.04 (or therabouts).  The philosophy
with Ubuntu is that a major release will not be given to you
automatically, as the GUI may have changed.  To get the latest version
you may be able to find it in a ppa (I don't know) or upgrade to the
latest version of Ubuntu.  13.10 has

You would be better to do your homework before complaining.


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