Amazon icon

Liam Proven lproven at
Mon Oct 7 16:29:55 UTC 2013

On 7 October 2013 17:10, Tom Rausner <tom at> wrote:
> Some days ago I send a mail to the list about the 'Amazon icon'
> in the launcher. Nobody answered... so I'll just try once more;
> The launcher has an icon taking me to in U.S.A.
> Where can I edit this icon to take me to instead ?
> (if possible at all)

I don't know if you can. Personally, I remove all such icons,
uninstall the relevant Lens and add a relevant bookmark in my browser.

I haven't bothered for Amazon UK as I don't use it much. I have a
bookmark for eBay UK, though, which takes me to my member-overview
page, which is way more use than a pointer to which I
can get to quicker with autocomplete.

IOW, why do you want the icon? Would it not be easier to get rid of it
and replace it with something more useful?

Liam Proven • Profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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