USB sound

Pete Smout smoutpete at
Sat Oct 5 10:46:03 UTC 2013

@google hope you enjoyed reading this, It had nothing to do with you!
sent from my HTC.
On Oct 5, 2013 11:37 AM, "Basil Chupin" <blchupin at> wrote:
> On 05/10/13 17:28, Ric Moore wrote:
>> On 10/05/2013 01:29 AM, Basil Chupin wrote:
>>> On 05/10/13 14:09, Ric Moore wrote:
> [pruned]
>>>> Ah, but the OP related that "Error: unable to connect to pulseaudio:"
>>>> so starting/restarting the deamon might yield more info? Heh, it's
>>>> gonna be a good bit O fun!
>>> "Nothing ventured nothing gained", as the Actress said to the Bishop.
>>> What the OP quoted may have been the gui message which may be different
>>> to what one sees on a command line. "Suck it and see", as the Actress
>>> said to the Bishop :-) .
>>>> Creating a new user would be the easiest test you think? If the new
>>>> user has the same problem, then the fault will be system wide.
>>> True - but unless one runs it from the command line you will (probably)
>>> get the same error message and be still none the wiser.
>>>> Mostly some hand edit up somewhere in /etc/alsa?
>>>> Huh, no more alsa in my /etc directory but there is a /etc/pulse
>>>> directory. Maybe the hand edit is there? I have no .asound in my home
>>>> directory as well. If he added it, rm it. :) Ric
>>> I don't see any references to alsa in my home directory. But to help to
>>> find where alsa and pulseaudio are lurking I have posted these
>>> screenshots of the list of files and where they lurk:
>>> Alsa -
>>> Pulseaudio -
>>>                   -
>>>                   -
>>> Note that for pulse the list overlaps from image to image but in all
>>> there are 155 files for pulseaudio (and only 27 for alsa - and who is it
>>> that dislikes blotware, hmmmmmm? :-) ).
>>> (The screenshots, btw, come from YaST, the openSUSE file manager
>>> extraordinaire.)
>> I'm going to sic Liam on you. RPM should just roll over and die.
> You can sic him and anyone else if you like unto me for all its worth and
my response will always be the same: there are people who still believe
that the Earth is flat and there are deluded and delusional people who
still keep voting Republican or Tory and there is very little that can be
done to help them - and same goes for RPM-haters.

FWIW I was playing around with a Debian based distro the other day, and
could get no sound out via USB, alas just wouldn't see it, after much
googling, the prevailing opinion given in forums was to remove pulse, I
decided to swim against the tide and install pulse audio and then it just
worked (tm)!

Not sure if it will work for the op but must be worth a try!

Note: this experience was not on ubuntu, but crunchbang and it fixed it for


Pete s

>> Still waiting for the OP to relate what he is finding. I WOULD say that
since he broke it, he gets to keep both pieces, but I am curious about a
resolution to the problem as well. He says the pulse server isn't running,
while he has all the packages installed. We shall see. At least he has his
problem bumped. :) Ric
> We all await with bated breath to read the revelations from the OP's
finger tips.
> BC
> --
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