'invisible' pgms?

Pete Smout smoutpete at gmail.com
Sat Nov 23 09:17:16 UTC 2013

@google hope you enjoyed reading this, It had nothing to do with you!
sent from my HTC.
On Nov 23, 2013 1:09 AM, "rikona" <rikona at sonic.net> wrote:
> The only solution I have found for the scrambled desktops/'fragile' OS
> is a reboot, and to accept losing all of my work in apps that just
> 'disappear'. :-(
> When I reboot I close whatever remains, one at a time, saving what I
> can before yet another pgm 'disappears'.
> But - when I was just doing this [after yet another problem] I did an
> alt tab to check what was still there. There were two kinds of things:
> (1) an item that I would select with alt tab but nothing happens when
> I do, and (2) an item that I would select with alt tab but what
> appears is JUST the border/outline line of the window with nothing
> inside. At the top is the dark bar with the 3 icons to close etc. Only
> the close does anything, and seems to close the [window] outline.
> This almost-a-window is like a terminal window, but with no text in
> the top bar, just the 3 buttons, and the middle is completely
> transparent as though there is nothing there. Just a thin line around
> the whole thing.
> Now, is it possible that this almost-a-window is one of the
> 'invisible' apps actually still running? If so, is there a way to get
> it to display the entire window, with the contents? This would be
> GREAT because then I might not lose all my work!
> All suggestions much appreciated...
>   rikona
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I saw a similar issue on 11.04, and the 'answer' was to switch from
'compiz' to 'metacity'  for window management!
The easiest way I found to do this was to install 'compiz fusion icon'
which appears on the top bar, r-click and set window manager to metacity.

I thought that the problem had been solved by the time 12.04 came out but
thought I'd mention it incase it helps!

Good luck

Pete s
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