10.04 to 12.04?

Wade Smart wadesmart at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 21:54:45 UTC 2013

Registered Linux User: #480675
Registered Linux Machine: #408606
Linux since June 2005

On Mon, Nov 11, 2013 at 3:49 PM, Jens Kjaerulff <jk at socant.net> wrote:
> I am thinking of upgrading from 10.04 to 12.04, just a click away in
> the software centre (no particular reason other than to benefit from
> recent fixes and continued support).
> There are probably no easy answers (though I'd like some brief ones),
> but I wonder how common soft/hardware in/compatibility related problems
> are, resulting from such an upgrade?
> Also, I am assuming all custom configurations will remain unchanged
> after such an upgrade (default email and custom settings, www browser
> bookmarks, various .rc files, repository settings for auto upgrades of
> unsupported software, and such), please correct me if should not assume
> so.
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I recently upgraded a computer from 10 to 13.10.
The computer didnt recognize the thumbdrive and
I didnt have any other media so I had to do it all
via "upgrades".

I had no problems with the upgrades other than when I was all done
google chrome no longer worked nor could be reinstalled. Not a problem
since the user of that computer used ff anyway.

Your software sources will be edited.
I think there was the option to leave that alone but I went the other route.
Make a backup of your repos settings just in case.


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