set up wifi hotspot (share internet connection)

Nils Kassube kassube at
Wed May 15 09:09:59 UTC 2013

Liviu Andronic wrote:
> Now wifi-hostapd-ap started as expected and nicely allowed me to setup
> an Access Point (with WPA3 protection). So far so good.
> Now the issue is that my firewall, Gufw, seems to be blocking
> connections to the AP. If I disable Gufw, then LaptopB can connect to
> the AP on LaptopA (which is itself wired to internet). If I enable
> Gufw, LaptopB can no longer connect. I don't want to disable the
> firewall.
> I tried to add a firewall rule that "allow in" from "LaptopB_IP port
> 53/tcp" to "LaptopA_IP port 53/tcp", but this doesn't help. Any ideas
> how to correctly set up the firewall rules in this case?

I don't claim to be a networking expert, so please someone correct me if 
this is wrong:

>From your initial inquiry I remember that you want to share your 
internet connection. Therefore you should setup a firewall rule for 
routing traffic from laptop B through laptop A to the internet, probably 
including NAT. Furthermore you can't know the source port on laptop B 
for the DNS traffic and probably you should also grant UDP access to 
port 53 on laptop A.


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