set up wifi hotspot (share internet connection)

Liviu Andronic landronimirc at
Tue May 14 19:22:38 UTC 2013

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 8:44 PM, Liviu Andronic <landronimirc at> wrote:
> It seems that dnsmasq keeps running even if I edit
> /etc/default/dnsmasq and change "ENABLED=1" to "ENABLED=0" which will
> also tell it not to run in daemon mode. It's still running if I
> /etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop.
OK, I found the culprit: I had to follow this guide (
) and disable dnsmasq in NetworkManager. In

comment out

Now wifi-hostapd-ap started as expected and nicely allowed me to setup
an Access Point (with WPA3 protection). So far so good.

Now the issue is that my firewall, Gufw, seems to be blocking
connections to the AP. If I disable Gufw, then LaptopB can connect to
the AP on LaptopA (which is itself wired to internet). If I enable
Gufw, LaptopB can no longer connect. I don't want to disable the

I tried to add a firewall rule that "allow in" from "LaptopB_IP port
53/tcp" to "LaptopA_IP port 53/tcp", but this doesn't help. Any ideas
how to correctly set up the firewall rules in this case?


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