Top posting [was disabling of XWindows start on Ubuntu]
Liam Proven
lproven at
Mon May 6 14:17:02 UTC 2013
On 6 May 2013 04:32, Scott Linnenbringer <s.linnenbringer at> wrote:
> On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 10:01 AM, Kevin O'Gorman <kogorman at> wrote:
>> On Sun, May 5, 2013 at 1:47 PM, staticsafe <me at> wrote:
>>> I would love to do that, but on some lists there would be no difference
>>> between unsubscribing and that.
>> This sort of thing varies from list to list and place to place. Here,
>> you'll get requested, advised, scolded (if you persist) every time for
>> top-posting. Since people respond better than that, I've never seen it come
>> to moderator action. I've been moderating for a year or so I think and have
>> had more trouble with persistent OT comments or threads. Most of my time by
>> far is spent scanning the filter rejects to make sure good stuff gets
>> through, helping newbies, and rescuing folks whose ISP has blacklisted us.
>> Not hassling people. Fortunately.
> You know - people using screen readers such as Orca will have the quoted
> text read to them before the new text, and that can get very annoying
> especially when nobody snips. I propose we change the standard to
> top-posting to make Ubuntu-users more accessible.
> /me ducks
This is true, and my mest mate is blind and asks me not to
bottom-quote when I email him.
However, I think that he /really/ needs a better email client. He's
stuck with Outlook, the poor thing...
(MS products are among the most accessible on the market. Windows 7 +
MS Office is vastly more accessible than Ubuntu + LibreOffice, sadly.)
Liam Proven • Profile:
Email: lproven at • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 • Cell: +44 7939-087884
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