direct ethernet connect between two pc's

staticsafe me at
Sat Mar 30 03:02:01 UTC 2013

On 3/29/2013 18:57, Felix Miata wrote:
> On 2013-03-29 22:44 (GMT) Thufir Hawat composed:
>> Assuming no router or internet access, how do you transfer files between
>> two computers with ethernet cable?
>> Setup so that both computers have the same IP and netmask configurations,
>> certainly.  (Obviously the ip addresses cannot collide but should be on
>> the same network.)
> My preference is to use NFS when both run Linux, Samba if not, but FTP
> is another option.
> Regardless, a standard ethernet cable will not suffice. Either a
> crossover cable or a crossover adapter are required for a "direct"
> connection to work. It may be easier to locate or borrow an ethernet hub
> or switch (including a router) to interpose than a crossover cable or
> adapter.

No need for crossover cable these days with Auto-MDIX.

Connect PCs, set IP addresses in the same subnet, test connectivity, use
something like scp/rsync to move files.

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