recovering deleted files

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Tue Mar 12 09:21:34 UTC 2013

On 12/03/13 04:25, rikona wrote:
> Hello Joep,
> I've been using grsync - seems good - the problem was that I didn't
> actually DO it when it was needed. :-( What would be the advantage in
> using backuppc instead of grsync? Or occasional clonezilla for
> bare-metal backups?
> Thanks much for the suggestion...
Well, I don't know grsync but for me one of the most important 
advantages of backuppc is the use of a browser interface for 
administration besides the fact that that it can be used via SMB (using 
samba), tar over ssh/rsh/nfs or rsync. I can actually administer my 
backups from abroad!
I thought grsync is just a GUI for rsync. Since the first browser I 
encountered (Mosaic!) I have always urged software developers to use a 
browser interface for their products only and forget your own GUI 
(before my retirement I headed a specialists software development team). 
I sometimes think that I'm still advocating it in vain.

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