static IP & DHCP problems on LAN

Hans Muecke ubuntu-ml01 at
Mon Mar 11 16:48:46 UTC 2013

Am 11.03.2013 09:26, schrieb Adam Funk:

> I had some trouble with my NAT router the other day, so I was using
> the cable modem (which I normally use in "modem mode", i.e., straight
> through to my own router) for a few hours.  I got everything back to
> normal, but on two consecutive days now, around 01:30 or so, the
> machine (desktop & home "server") has gone off its static IP address
> and onto a DHCP address from the router, which makes it impossible for
> me to SSH into it (unless I can guess the IP address correctly).

Hi Adam,

Just a wild guess ... does the router do a 24hr routine that disconnects
all attached machines and then re-leases new ips?

Have you reserved the static ip for the corresponding MAC-address? I
have my Netgear router set to DHCP so it is easier for my various
wireless devices to connect to it, but have reserved the ips for the
machines that are always connected to it.

Talk to you later ... Hans (158 to go)

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