NVIDIA GeForce 6200 Extremely Slow

Keith Clark keithclark at waterloosubstop.com
Sat Mar 9 01:04:41 UTC 2013

On 13-03-08 07:10 PM, Lawrence Houston wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Mar 2013, Keith Clark wrote:
>> On 13-03-08 06:21 PM, Lawrence Houston wrote:
>>> On Fri, 8 Mar 2013, Colin Law wrote:
>>>> On 8 March 2013 21:14, Keith Clark <keithclark at waterloosubstop.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I am currently running Xubuntu 12.10 64 bit and have a NVIDIA 6200 
>>>>> video
>>>>> card with 512 MB of memory on it.
>>>>> Using the NVIDIA 304.48 driver I am getting extremely slow 
>>>>> performance.
>>>>> Ubuntu running Unity will not even start up.  I see it starting, 
>>>>> get to my
>>>>> background showing and then nothing else shows up.  I have to 
>>>>> ctl-alt-del
>>>>> and log in with a Xubuntu session to use my computer at all.
>>>>> glxgears reports 2.5 fps.
>>>>> Using the open source drivers yields only about 25 fps.
>>>>> Any ideas on what is wrong here?  I files a bug report back in 
>>>>> December but
>>>>> got nothing back yet.
>>> Sorry I missed the Original Posting...
>>> None of NVidia's Drivers work "Correcty" with the 6200, remove all 
>>> Propietory NVidia Drivers the Default "Nouveau" Driver will be Unity 
>>> "Friendly"!!!
> Agreed NVidia's Proprietory Drivers used to work in previous Ubuntu 
> Releases for me as well, that said the 6200 is a Low End Card 
> (comparred to NVidia's "Newer" Card).  "Catch" I have an 4X AGP Port 
> and there is NOT Many Cards which I could find without a Fan that 
> would fit my 2004 DELL!!!
> Lawrence Houston  --  (ubuntu at greenfield.dyndns.org)

Did you try to get any support from NVIDIA on this?  In their dev forums?


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