Invisible Windows

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Fri Jun 28 17:43:27 UTC 2013

On Friday 28 June 2013 13:29:00 Nils Kassube did opine:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > On Friday 28 June 2013 07:47:08 GaryT did opine:
> > > Help :-)
> > > The ability to read help files doesn't solve this one.
> > > 
> > > I'm looking for a Linux programmer or expert super-user to say "Yes,
> > > by all means, do the following".  Any help appreciated.
> > > 
> > > Using version 10.04 LTS.
> The desktop part of 10.04 has reached EOL, so I would suggest to upgrade
> to a current Ubuntu version.
GaryT might be able to, but ATM, I am stuck because all 3 of these machines 
have to be able to run LinuxCNC, which is very intimately married to 
2.6.32-122-rtai for a kernel.  Compared to the -rt releases kerrnel 
releases, this IS REAL TIME, demanding scheduling with now more than 10 
microsecond responses.

We on the LinuxCNC list are working on that, but I expect it will be 
another month or two before we get all the kernel patches working on a more 
recent kernel.

FWIW, I hate this kernel for desktop work, its a piece of crap for that.  
Runs a gigabyte into swap in a 4 gigabyte machine needing a reboot at 3-5 
day intervals, and kmail gets laggy in 30 hours, needing stopped and 
restarted.  When it gets laggy, its as if an interrupt is being ignored, 
and it may sit there for 2 minutes or more when I click send, while gkrellm 
says the quad core's busiest core is at 2%.

Kmail isn't helped by my having a libsoprano based index cache in the 7.5 
gigabyte range.  My email corpus goes back 11+ years.

Way too late to do anything about it now, but for desktop work, this kernel 
has more bugs than a 10 day old carcass.  Fortunately, they haven't caused 
any great amount of data loss or I would have been loaded for bear long 
ago. ;-)
> > > Today I had an incident where the mouse suddenly went haywire. It
> > > travelled all around the edges of the screen, it closed windows,
> > > made
> > > new folders, and generally clicked in and on all sorts of places.
> > > It has happened before and last time I solved it by replacing my KVM
> > > switch because it also happened on another machine.  That was with
> > > an
> > > earlier version Ubuntu and was a long time ago. With the new KVM
> > > switch there have been no issues, until now, and not yet on another
> > > machine.
> > > 
> > > When this happened in the past you had to delete all the unwanted
> > > new
> > > folders, restore all the deleted files and generally spend time
> > > cleaning up, after a reboot.
> > 
> > And this has happened in the past too?  Either you have been hacked,
> > wipe that drive clean & reinstall, or that mouse hates you, replace
> > it.
> Another option would be a wireless mouse with low batteries or a
> neighbour with the same wireless mouse model.
> Nils

Cheers, Gene
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