Program to burn an audio CD

Bob ubuntu-qygzanxc at
Thu Jun 27 18:41:32 UTC 2013

** Reply to message from Colin Law <clanlaw at> on Thu, 27 Jun 2013
08:16:13 +0100

> On 27 June 2013 04:45, Bob <ubuntu-qygzanxc at> wrote:
> > I am looking for suggestions for a program to burn audio CDs.
> >
> > Brasero is installed with Ubuntu but I have not been able to get it to work.  I
> > can drag the files I want on the CD but when I click "burn" it ejects the blank
> > CD and fails.
> I suspect that it is not a problem with Brasero but is something more
> fundamental.
> When you plug in the blank CD do you get a popup saying that a blank
> CD has been inserted and asking which app to use?

No I get CD/DVD Creator

> Can you burn data CDs using CD/DVD creator?


> This should be one of the options given in the popup.

What popup?

> Can you burn data CDs using Brasero?

I have not tried to burn a data CD with Brasero.

> Does Brasero recognise that there is a blank CD there?

Yes, at the bottom of the Brasero wondow is "Blank CD-R Disc 737.0 mb of free

Robert Blair

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