How do I set permissions on a samba connection?

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Mon Jun 24 23:26:08 UTC 2013

On Monday 24 June 2013 19:22:49 Bob did opine:

> I have an existing system which contains a LAN connected disk drive.  I
> have added a new computer on which I installed Ubuntu (this is my first
> linux experience).  From the Ubuntu computer I can read the files on
> the samba connected drive but I can not write to those files.  I have
> tried to change the permissions but can not locate where the drive is
> mounted.  So my question is how do I change the permissions?

Samba/CIFS, is IMO the wrong tool. For starters its intended to talk to 
winders machines, and the last time I checked, was still unable to work 
with the perms diffs between windows and any *nix.

You want nfs, but you'll need to do some configuring.  Its all in the man 
pages AFAIK.

Cheers, Gene
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