Laser printer use question

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Sun Jun 9 17:08:18 UTC 2013

On Sunday 09 June 2013 12:51:47 Johnny Rosenberg did opine:
Still off topic 
> > That, in the case of a laser, is a fact of life.  Remember when the
> > drums would get scratched and it cost so much to replace them that it
> > was almost cheaper to just buy a new printer?  I sure do.
> Somewhat off topic: That kind of thing seems to be true not only for
> printers. I remember when the rotating heads of my DAT recorder
> (Digital Audio Tape recorder – anyone remember those…?) worn out.
> Fixing that would cost as much as buying one of those cheaper DAT
> recorders available back then. I didn't fix it, I just stopped using
> it…

Yeah, that got under my skin big time too.  At the time I was fully equipt 
and was 2 to 3x a month, replacing a head in one of our DVC-PRO broadcast 
digital VCR's we had 15 of at the time, with a current price in the $3500 
range each just for that part.  This head wheel/drum was about 1/5th the 
size of the DAT head, with correspondingly tighter tolerances, I had all 
the gauges, even the special 4 trace Panasonic o-scope to set them up for 
perfect interchange, but I wasn't to be trusted to replace one of those 
relatively monster sized heads in a DAT they'd had made in china.

Predictably, I forwarded a piece of my mind I didn't have a use for in an 
email describing their genealogical family tree in quite bloody detail.  In 
78 years, I have never been known to suffer fools gladly or quietly. ;-)

Cheers, Gene
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