Trying to start kmail on a 12.04.2 install

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Fri Jul 12 10:04:26 UTC 2013

On Friday 12 July 2013 05:32:55 Nils Kassube did opine:

> Gene Heskett wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me what it means when kmail bails out at startup, with
> > a message in a box saying that it "Cannot create (mutter, I should
> > have written it down)id:2" ?  quotes mine.   ISTR the missing word
> > was resource.
> I think I have seen the same or a similar problem after the upgrade to
> 12.04, but that was six months ago and I don't remember the solution.
> IIRC it was something related to akonadi.
> What happens if you logout and login again? Can't you get the same error
> message again? Usually you can find a solution if you google the exact
> wording of the error message.
> Other than that, you could stop akonadi with the command
> akonadictl stop
command not found, akonadi-server is installed.

> and then remove the kmail2 configuration file
> "~/.kde/share/config/kmail2rc" and the akonadi configuration files
> "~/.kde/share/config/akonadi*". Then you can hopefully start kmail2 with
> a fresh configuration.

Tried that, no real diff.  It looks as if is soprano related, I captured a 
startup trace from a shell, but then had no place to save it as gedit after 
I had pasted the trace into it, insisted on saving it in /var but no perms, 
even after I had set perms on /var wide open.  So I mounted this drive as 
media/ubu10.4.4, and saved it as /media/ubu10.4.4/home/gene/kmail.trace, 
there I had write perms.  And here it is:
gene at coyote:~$ kmail
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. 
Application may misbehave.
QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. 
Application may misbehave.
"/usr/bin/kmail(6840)" Soprano: "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid 
"/usr/bin/kmail(6840)" Soprano: "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid 
"/usr/bin/kmail(6840)" Soprano: "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid 
"/usr/bin/kmail(6840)" Soprano: "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid 
"/usr/bin/kmail(6840)" Soprano: "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid 
"/usr/bin/kmail(6840)" Soprano: "Invalid iterator."
"/usr/bin/kmail(6840)" Soprano: "QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid 
kmail2(6840)/kdepimlibs (mailtransport): Could not access Outbox. 
gene at coyote:~$ "/usr/bin/kmail(6840)" Soprano: 
"QLocalSocket::connectToServer: Invalid name"
"/usr/bin/kmail(6840)" Soprano: "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid 
"/usr/bin/kmail(6840)" Soprano: "Unsupported operation (2)": "Invalid 
"/usr/bin/kmail(6840)" Soprano: "Invalid iterator."
kmail2(6840)/libakonadi Akonadi::SpecialCollectionsRequestJob::slotResult: 
Failed SpecialCollectionsRequestJob::slotResult "Unknown error. (Could not 
create collection inbox resourceId: 2)" 
kmail2(6840) MailCommon::Kernel::emergencyExit: "KMail encountered a fatal 
error and will terminate now.
The error was:
Could not create collection inbox resourceId: 2" 

Looks like a mysql thing?

So, I fired up mc as root, and copied the whole 
/media/ubu10.4.4/home/gene/.kde over, figuring that should change 
/something/.  That obviously took a while as the sopranodb is 7.5 
gigabytes.   mc, as root could do it, mc as me, nope.

But heck, I can't even edit the terminal prefs for the multitab bash shell 
I was using. You can edit, do anything you want, but doing the "apply" does 

Now, bear in mind that in this case /home is a half terrabyte partition on 
a different new drive, mounted via fstab using defaults.  Here are those 2 
lines from the ubu12.4.2/etc/fstab:
UUID=748b01e1-ae7b-4b17-b8e9-c88429bcefbf /opt	ext4 	defaults	0	
UUID=7601432d-7a30-42a3-80b5-57f08ae71f2a /home	ext4	defaults	0	

Am I losing my write perms with the above?  Its crazy when I as me, can't 
save anything to my own /home directory!  I can look in /var or /tmp with 
ls, but I can't write there either.  But looking in /home/gene with ls -l, 
I own the whole tree...  I'd be looking for largest primes to enumerate the 
excedrin headache this is turning into. :)

> Nils

Thanks Nils.

Cheers, Gene
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