
JD jd1008 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 31 06:57:05 UTC 2013

On 01/30/2013 09:38 PM, Phil Dobbin wrote:
> Hi, all.
> I have to admit, I'm really struggling trying to get ddclient to work at
> all.
> I started off with a full '/etc/ddclient.conf' file but was plagued by
> this dreaded error message:
> 'WARNING: file/var/cache/ddclient/ddclient.cache, line 3: Invalid Value
> for keyword 'ip' = '''
> along several lines (lines 3, 4 & 12)
> Upon inspection of said file, nothing glaringly obvious stood out but
> every time I ran:
> 'sudo ddclient -use=ip -ip= -daemon=0'
> it failed & rm'ing the offending cache file didn't work either: still
> got the same error message & the file reappeared with the same obtuse flags.
> So, upon the advice of ddclient's wiki page, I ran with a minimal
> ddclient.conf:
> 'protocol=zoneedit1,
> server=www.zoneedit.com,
> login=xxxxxxxx,
> password='xxxxxxxxxx'
> www.foobar.com
> daemon=3600
> pid=/var/run/ddclient.pid'
> Still the same error message though & the attempt failed.
> I Googled for a couple of hours 'til my eyes started to bleed but no luck.
> I should say that zoneedit is working on my domain name, port 80 is open
> & forwarded on my router, the iptables are correct & the site is
> reachable from outside my LAN. Dig also reports all's OK.
> Has anybody got ddclient to work with zoneedit on 12.04.1 (everything is
> stock straight out of apt)?
> Cheers,
>    Phil...
Hi Phil,
FWIW, here is my /etc/ddclient.conf, which gives me no problems at all

use=web, web=checkip.dyndns.com/, web-skip=
use=ip, ip=

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