Slow disk I/O - was Re: Seeking Help

geoff at geoff at
Wed Jan 23 13:06:26 UTC 2013

>> Pastebin:
> I'm sorry, I don't know if I'm able to help with this problem exactly.
> But I was wondering if you could share just exactly how you are
> connected to the internet?  Is the connection DSL (in a phone line) or
> Cable, or something else more exotic? (Wireless? probably not satelite.)

Connection is DSL. The computer is connected to a DDWRT based router
(Linksys 610 or something like that, and then to the router/modem from
Internet provider).

> Are you sending these e-mails from a different computer (not the slow
> one we are discussing?)  Do you have some model of router?

Most of these e-mails are sent from the same computer. Some have been sent
while I am away from home (such as this one).

> The reason I'm asking is because either  your networking at home is
> arranged in some way I don't grasp yet or understand, or something is
> very very wrong with your networking.  Coincidentally, the point where
> your computer tries to Start the network seems to be where your boot
> process goes off the rails, or at least, where all of a sudden, things
> take a long time.

Is this the DNSMasq stuff. That is an odd error. The computer does have a
VPN configured (and it is set to enable at startup, but it hever has).

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