Seeking Help

geoff at geoff at
Tue Jan 22 14:15:25 UTC 2013

> On 23/01/13 00:13, geoff at wrote:
>> On 22/01/13 16:27, geoff at wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>>     I built a new system recently and after running some tests I am of
>>>> the
>>>> opinion that either the Kernel has a bug, or my motherboard needs to
>>>> go
>>>> back to the manufacturer for an RMA replacement.
>>>>     I am interested to find someone else with a Gigabyte P75-D3
>>>> motherboard.
>>>> It would be nice to have someone else with this board who could
>>>> confirm
>>>> that the kernel is capable of completing an install in less than 6
>>>> hours,
>>> Jesus, what sort of "install"?! :-)
>>> Install from DVD, install over the Internet, install from a Live CD, or
>>> what?
>>>>    or "apt-get update" in less than 10 minutes.
>>> To begin with, what is the speed of your internet connection? Dial-up
>>> or
>>> what?
>>> Then what sort of system which you "built": how much RAM, what speed,
>>> what speed cpu?
>>> Suggestion: if you ask for help provide needed info so that people can
>>> answer your questions :-) .
>>> [pruned]
>>> BC
> More information, got it.
> - Install was from DVD
> - Computer has 32 GB of ram and an Intel i7 3770 CPU.
> - Primary HDD is a Samsung 840 Pro (SSD)
> - Ubuntu 12.10
> - Internet connection is 10 Mbps download, 800 kbps upload
> Thank-you
> -Geoff
> 32GB of RAM eh? :-) I've got 16GB and consider it an overkill - and I
> have yet to see more than 4GB of it used :-) .

Overkill is the only way to kill

> But that is beside the point......
> As far as I am aware, the only REAL and painless way to install Ubuntu
> from a DVD is to buy the DVD from a place such as (Ric!
> Where are you?! Help out here please :-D ) which contains ALL the files
> on the DVD to install Ubuntu.

I live in Canada and while I do understand that many files have to be
downloaded, I certainly did not see the process take this long while
installing on my old computer. In fact my old computer was done very
quickly compared to the time it took my new one to transfer files.

> The DVD you burn from the iso of Ubuntu does not contain all the files,
> and these files have to be downloaded from the Ubuntu site during
> installation.
> This is what I understand.
> And you mention that you have a 10 Mbits/s connection to the 'net -
> which, to me indicates that you have ADSL. Taking into account how far
> you live from your nearest telephone exchange and how congested the
> phone line is and how busy the Ubuntu server is, you will take a heck of
> a long time to finish the installation :-( .
> (If you want to test what sort of speed your connection is working at go
> to-
> and check what your actual speed may be - versus the theoretical 10mbps
> your ISP told you you would have and are paying for :-) .)

I have done this many times in the past and it gives a fairly consistent
speed from different servers that is close to the speed I pay for.

> So what I am saying here is: let the whole thing run until its finished
> - or buy for $US5 the DVD from the URL I just gave you (you do live in
> the US of A? If not then there would be a similar store somewhere in
> your locale [maybe]) and save heaps of download time by installing from
> this DVD.

I understand that it makes sense to let the install finish. This is
exactly what I did. The install finished. The problem I have is not with
install or updates. The problem I have is with I/O performance. This is
why I am searching for someone with the same motherboard. I am hoping that
I can find someone who has this board but does not suffer from the same
performance woes. At least then I know the kernel is correct and the board
is flawed.

> BC
> --
> Using openSUSE 12.2 x86_64 KDE 4.10.0 & kernel 3.7.4-1 on a system with-
> AMD FX 8-core 3.6/4.2GHz processor
> 16GB PC14900/1866MHz Quad Channel Corsair "Vengeance" RAM
> Gigabyte AMD3+ m/board; Gigabyte nVidia GTX550Ti 1GB DDR5 GPU
> --
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