LSI 3801 JBOD card and Ubuntu 12.04 / 64 bit

Alan McKay alan.mckay at
Fri Jan 18 17:51:06 UTC 2013

On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 11:39 AM, J <dreadpiratejeff at> wrote:
> Glad you got it working... though from personal experinece, MSM can be
> a PITA... especially if you're forced to use somehing like MegaCLI :(

Well, all is not so rosie for me.   A drive blew in my RAID (I'm doing
JBOD mode and Linux software mdadm RAID) and for the life of me I
cannot figure out how to do a drive ID on this.  i.e. get the right
drive light to blink so I know which one to remove.   I figured it out
in a backwards way from /dev/disk/by-path/ and removing drives at
random (RAID6 so it won't blow anything up).  But this won't do at all
for a long term solution.

What else can I use?  This was the only tool I could find.

> Also, personally, when I worked in a place where I had access to that
> sort of hardware, I usually configured all the RAID stuff in the card

When I go in there it shows up as disabled and I don't see any way to
enable it.  But clearly it is working.  I think this is a JBOD only
card so maybe that is why, I dunno?

Still, this is a problem for me.  I really need to be able to do a
drive ID like I do with my other controllers (non LSI) and the command
line commands I have for them.

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