Replacment for M$ MAPPOINT update

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Thu Jan 17 12:11:09 UTC 2013

06 January 2013  at 13:00, ubuntu-users at wrote:
Replacment for M$ MAPPOINT (at least in part)

>Does anyone have (or know) a replacement for M$ Mappoint on Ubuntu (or any 
>Linux I guess) or know if it is possible to install & run under wine

Yes it does install under Wine, although the install behaves slightly 
differently :-

In M$ windows an option to Register (with M$) "Now" or "Later" is presented 
at end of install, so you can test how well it works (I guess)

In Wine/Ubuntu at the end of install you get "Activeate Mappoint" no choices 

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