Space bar in browsers...

Matthew Sturdy matt.sturdy at
Mon Jan 7 18:26:05 UTC 2013

On 7 January 2013 16:14, Kevin O'Gorman <kogorman at> wrote:
> I have no idea what the page did.  I was hoping it was some global
> setting that I could modify.  However, I just revisited that game, and
> the problem has disappeared on its own.  Perhaps there was a bug that
> got fixed; I'll probably never know.


For as long as I can remember, on all browsers and OSs that I have used,
the space bar moves down the page, and SHIFT+SPACE moves up the page... so
it seems to be a more general feature.  Normally with browser games,
clicking on the game (for at least Flash definitely) "captures" the mouse
and keyboard, and stops the screen from moving... could it be that the game
lost focus when you were typing?

Anyway... if it comes back: a bit of googling has found a Ubuntu Forums
thread [1], and a Chrome extension that you can use to resolve it [2].
 There seems to be a very similar solution for Firefox as well [3].

Hope that helps!


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