Flash Plugin Not Working in Chrome

Kenneth Jacker khj at be.cs.appstate.edu
Sun Feb 3 22:02:32 UTC 2013

[ xubuntu 12.04.1;  Chrome 24.0.1312.57 stable ]
[ ubuntu  10.04.4;  Chrome 25.0.1364.58 beta ]

Something "broke" my Flash support in Chrome (both at home and work).
Trying to view a page containing Flash content (e.g., on YouTube)
produces a "Couldn't Load Plugin" error message.

Entering "about:plugins" to Chrome (ubuntu at work) shows:

   Adobe Flash Player (2 files) - Version:
   Shockwave Flash 11.5 r31

I looked on line for a solution but got lost in the multitude of info.
Tried some of the posted solutions, but "no go" here ...

Is it just me?  Why did it change?

Does your Chrome work with Adobe's Flash plugin under Ubuntu?

Thanks for your help/comments,

Prof Kenneth H Jacker       khj at cs.appstate.edu
Computer Science Dept       www.cs.appstate.edu/~khj
Appalachian State Univ
Boone, NC  28608  USA        

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