DO NOT install Tupi 2D Animation software

Roger arelem at
Tue Dec 31 00:41:00 UTC 2013

>This is DANGEROUS software.
>I use Ubuntu 12.10. I installed Tupi (2D Animation package) and without
>warning it uninstalled software. (Downloaded it from the SourceForge site as
>a .deb)
>It removed:
>software centre

> How do you know that it has uninstalled them?
> What do you see if you do
> apt-cache policy gedit
> Copy/paste the result here
> Colin
Thanks Colin, Giles and Nandakumar.

In SourceForge I downloaded the tupi_0.2-git01.tar.gz 
( and 
followed the installation procedure as per files in the tarball.

Tupi installed, worked perfectly, but it wasn't until I went to use 
Inkscape and GIMP that I realised that they were no longer installed on 
my system.I am convinced that the programs were uninstalled becasue they 
could not be located anywhere on the system. When opening .svg, only 
Image Viewer (and Firefox) was available and .xcf could not be opened 
except by imageMagick, which was the only option available.

In any case none of this should have happened. Regardless of i386 or 
x86_64, software should not be erased without permission. No update, 
delete or overwrite permissions were requested or granted for the 
installation of Tupi, which took a suspicious 15+ minutes to complete. I 
did not force the installation.

When I reinstalled GIMP via terminal apt-get, the system removed 
everything "Tupi" except for a couple of config files and a palette. It 
seems that there was a conflict between the installation of 

I have 1TB HDD of which 25% is used.

Since then I have re-installed the software, and as per instructions (to 
install Software Centre again I used the code on:|sudo 
apt-get update; sudo apt-get --purge --reinstall install software-center 
software-properties-common software-properties-gtk|
Which repaired a huge number of internal files.

Thanks again,
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