Ubuntu instability

Grant Hardy granthardy at outlook.com
Sat Aug 31 19:09:48 UTC 2013

Liam Proven wrote:
> There's a second Windows recovery command you could try, according to
> this:
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreUbuntu/XP/Vista/7Bootloader
> it's
> bootrec /fixboot
> The page recommends using both.
Sadly, this doesn't fix my bootloader either although it claims to have
completed successfully. I'm quite baffled.
> Do you know if the computer has UEFI firmware or a BIOS? I have little
> experience with UEFI but I believe it complicates matters considerably...
It has BIOS firmware. I guess there's the chance that one of my Windows
partitions got damaged, but I don't think that's the case. My primary
partition (with my Windows installation and data) is BitLocker protected,
though I don't seem to be able to unlock it from WindowsRE. If I could, I
was thinking of trying to suspend protection on the drive then let the
computer do an automatic repair, but as I say I can't unlock it from the RE
so I'd like to try fixing the bootloader first.


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