Flash Issues on old 32 bit pc

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 16:48:58 UTC 2013

On 29 August 2013 17:35, Pete Smout <smoutpete at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Liam
> I have as far as I can tell, the issue now is that Firefox, Chromium,
> even Google Chrome do not seem to realize this!!
> It does not even appear in the list of addons or plugins in any of the
> browsers as disabled, so I cannot enable it!
> Shockwave flash does appear in all 3 browsers and when enabled fails
> to work on any of them! However shockwave  does not appear as
> installed in synaptic or apt-cache policy search (searched gnash, swf,
> shockwave, shockwave-flashplugin) I am almost certain that this is the
> root of my evils but I am at a loss as to how to correct it.
> When did it get so complicated my 13.04 machines (1 clean 13.04
> install, 1 upgraded from 11.10 up thru stages, 1 upgraded from 10.04
> straight to 12.04 then up to 13.04 via 12,10) all work fine (even if
> laptop was done incorrectly, from adobe! in 11.10)
> I will sit and go through synaptic installed filter after I have
> eaten, and see if I can find anything shockwave related (and nuke it!)
> any clues to narrow field of search? by repo or anything?

I've not seen anything like this before.

This is 32-bit Ubuntu, isn't it? I think you have an old, 32-bit only
CPU, is that right?

Shockwave and Flash used to be different things. Flash was available
for Linux, Shockwave never was.

I am not sure what you're getting reported as Shockwave Player - I
think it *must* be Flash. AFAIK there never has been a native Linux
Shockwave player.

My advice would be:

* remove Flash Player
* Purge its settings
* Reboot with a full `fsck`
* Reinstall it, from the repos

Do you know how to do those steps?

Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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