Probably stupid question, but

Gene Heskett gheskett at
Sun Aug 25 02:48:00 UTC 2013

On Saturday 24 August 2013 22:23:15 Nik Th did opine:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Ali Linx (amjjawad)
> Sent: 08/24/13 11:34 PM
> To: Ubuntu user technical support, not for general discussions
> Subject: Re: Probably stupid question, but
> Hi,
> On Sun, Aug 25, 2013 at 12:25 AM, Gene Heskett < gheskett at >
> wrote: So, what is the procedure to install 9.5.5 flash player now?
> Thanks.
> Cheers, Gene
> sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras
> Hello,
> As @Ali Linux wrote you must install xubuntu-restricted-extras package.
> This package includes the flash player 11.2. You have to know that
> Adobe has dropped flash player for Linux so the latest version is 11.2
> (for Windows now is 11.8) As an alternative I would suggest to download
> and install Google Chrome (only if you have problems with flash player
> 11.2 - some pages need more recent version).
> And there are NO stupid questions.. ;-)
> Regards
> NikTh
> -- --

Chuckle...  That depends on several factors, not the least of which is my 
age,  probably old enough to be your grandfather, and I am at times like 
this, rather acutely aware that in the grand scheme of computers going from 
the RCA 1802's on up to todays multicore & many gigabytes of dram, with 
drives measured in terrabytes, I went amiga when everyone else was learning 
the fine points of how best to describe the MS geneology in lurid, burn the 
hair out of ones ears, details.  So I missed that decade entirely as the 
first intel/amd box I built in late 1997 had RedHat 5.0 put on it from the 
gitgo. I have owned one 'windoze' machine over all those years, a laptop 
that came with XP, but that partition got wiped & reused by an early 
Mandrake install about 90 days after I brought it home. So I do have to ask 
those "stupid questions" everybody was discussing 15 years ago.

That, and I hate to admit it, but the wet ram has now been wet long enough 
to start getting rusty.  Short term memory failings are also raising their 
head, dammit.

This particular command you note above hung on the MSTTFonts config, and 
nothing I could do would clear that EULA screen, not even typing OK on the 
keyboard, so eventually I reset it, and had to run the dpkg --configure -a 
when it was rebooted.  And I haven't checked to see if acroread is there, 
long day fighting with fdutils just to get a floppy made that would update 
the bios on that old P4 box.

While I think about it, whats the max memory a P4 can handle?  It has 512 
megs in it  now and I have 2Gb of the same speed DDR 400 memory and its 
very unstable, won't live long enough to get memtest started.  It was good 
memory that last time I checked it 2 years ago, been in a static bag since.

Thanks a lot.

Cheers, Gene
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