Startup services

staticsafe me at
Mon Aug 19 17:11:11 UTC 2013

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 11:47:12AM -0400, Bill Stanley wrote:
> HI,
> I recently did an upgrade and I am getting slow boot up times caused
> by some problems with the services that are run at startup (boot).
> One of the services is modem-manager which hangs for a while (about
> 30 seconds) during boot, probably waiting for something to start.
> The name implies that it manages the modem.  If this is the case, I
> can see the problem because I don't have a modem.  Do I need it and
> if not, how and where do I disable this service?
> Another service that is unneeded is the Bluetooth service since I do
> not have any Bluetooth devices.   Do I need it and if not how and
> where can I disable it?
> Another possible unneeded service might be the saned service.   I do
> operate a scanner and I use Xsaned.  Reading the documentation on
> saned gives me the impression that it is needed foe network access
> to the scanner.  Since I never access the scanner via the network,
> is it needed by Xsaned?  If I don't need it, how and where do I
> disable it?

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