Ubuntu on a tablet... Is there one?

Doug dmcgarrett at optonline.net
Tue Aug 13 02:05:12 UTC 2013

On 08/12/2013 09:36 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
> I don't know if this is the right list for the question, so if this 
> isn't the correct list, please point me to the correct list.  I'm using 
> gmane.
> I found a reference on the web about a tablet that comes with Ubuntu 
> installed.  But couldn't find any further information.
> Does this unit exist?  If so, how well does it do at reading all the 
> various epub formats?
> I'm shopping for either a dedicated eReader or a tablet to use as an 
> eReader.  I've no plans to replace my desktops with a tablet.  This is 
> just for collecting various old books in one place for easy reading.
> I like the physical size of the iPad Mini, but the price is a bit high 
> for my use, I think.  iPad sized units are physically larger than I 
> would like.
> I'm not Linux knowledgeable, but would like to at least get familiar 
> with it.  So, any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> Ask any questions you wish.   :-)
It would seem to me that if all you want is to collect books to use
for reference or something like that, and you don't want a large tablet,
you don't really care what OS the thing uses, and therefore, why not
look at a low-end Kindle or a Nook? (I looked at Nook and Kindle, and I
do not like the Nook--too much reflection off the surface, and the
lighting is not as nice, so I bought a Kindle
If I really need a portable computer, I have a nice
Dell laptop, made in about 2006, which I upgraded to 2GB ram and
160GB SSD. Runs wireless, if there's a source. When Sandy took
out the power for 8 days here, I took it to the library, where
they still had power, and read all my accumulated email.) Has a
very nice KB for a laptop, and I plug in a trackball, and it's
almost as good as being home! Keep the tablet PCs, I say!


Blessed are the peacemakers..for they shall be shot at from both sides.

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