Ubuntu Studio Install Gone Bad

Joseph ubuntu at e-pops.org
Fri Apr 5 12:36:18 UTC 2013

I was not aware that this was a BETA, or I'd not have attempted it as 
I'm just a novice with Linux.  I will go back and redo with the 12.04.  
Thanks so much for your wisdom and knowledge.


On 4/4/2013 3:49 PM, Colin Law wrote:
> On 4 April 2013 19:17, <ubuntu at e-pops.org> wrote:
>> I have installed Ubuntu Studio 13.10, but it's giving me virtually 
>> nothing
>> but a background for the desktop... no links, bars, nothing... Here's 
>> what
>> I've gotten so far.
>> 1. I'd downloaded the OSI image.
>> 2. Burned it to a DVD at slowest speed.
>> 3. Installed it onto my other computer.
>> Problems found:
>> 1. I cannot enter my password without first hitting the "Num Lock", 
>> and then
>> I have to use the number keypad for numbers, rather the numbers at 
>> the top
>> of my qwerty.
>> 2. I get the warning that "The application Compiz has closed 
>> unexpectedly.
>> 3. Then when it goes to the desktop, there is nothing but the desktop 
>> image;
>> no bar of menues, no links, no nothing.
> If you are doing this to test 13.10 (which is not released yet) then I
> suggest first running off the standard Ubuntu live image for 13.10 to
> make sure that is ok.  If you actually want a stable system then go
> for 12.04.
>> I'd done this all twice, from a different download place, just in 
>> case the
>> first one was corrupted.
> With the standard image if you hit a key when it shows an icon for a
> keyboard and a little man at the bottom of the screen, right at the
> start of the boot, then you can select an option to check that DVD is
> correctly burned.  I don't know about Studio thought.
> Colin

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