how to install latest security patches/updates for 10.10

Liam Proven lproven at
Wed Sep 19 18:54:53 UTC 2012

On 19 September 2012 19:08, Rajeev Prasad <rp.neuli at> wrote:
> I have 10.10 running, no plans to upgrade. how can i make sure it continue
> to get security updates?

You can't. It's dead. It is obsolete, discontinued, will never be
coming back to life. It is now theoretically unsafe to use on the
Internet in general, as it is built out of outdated, obsolete
components with known security issues and bugs, and because it is
obsolete, there will not be any updates.

Ordinary Ubuntu releases, like 10.10, are only supported for 18mth.
10.10 is from October 2010, just under one year ago; support and
updates stopped for it 6mth ago and will not be restarting.

Change your plans. Upgrade. As soon as possible. 11.04 goes out of
support next month; your best bet is to go to 12.04. If you do not
like upgrading every 6mth, stay on the even-numbered x.04 releases,
which are long-term support versions: 8.04, 10.04, 12.04.

Your other alternative is to downgrade to 10.04 which will receive
updates for about another 6-7 months. As this itself tells you, this
is not an ideal plan, and in 6mth you will need to change again.

If you do not like Unity, consider switching to Linux Mint with Maté.
It is much like the GNOME 2 environment you have now.

If you want to stay in the Ubuntu family rather than the Mint one, you
could consider NotaLinux, but it is not an official remix.
Alternatively, Xubuntu offers a desktop that is very like GNOME 2 and
which is current, supported, very much alive and receiving updates &
active development.

> also, are app security updates available for 10.10 installed apps now?

Meaningless question. All Ubuntu and Debian releases get support for
/all/ components installed from their respective repositories. It
makes no difference if you are talking about OS or apps: it is all

Liam Proven • Profile:
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