ldap other root than the one from hostname

Carsten Laun-De Lellis carsten.delellis at delellis.net
Wed Sep 19 12:13:30 UTC 2012

Hi all


Maybe the question I have is a stupid one, but I don't have a clue how to
another domain than the one derived from my hostname.

I am using Ubuntu 11.04 LTS.

I have read so many How-Tos and Manuals but didn't find the answer yes.


What I want to do for example:


My hostname was S000001.delellis.de and I want to create a ldap root with


Whenever I install slapd it creates a root dc=delellis,dc=de. And I have no
idea how to change that.


I would appreciate any help.




Carsten Laun-De Lellis

Dipl.-Ing. Elektrotechnik

Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA)


Hauptstrasse 13

D-67705 Trippstadt


Phone:   +49 (6306) 992140

Mobile:  +49 (151) 27530865

Fax:         +49 (6306) 992142

email:    <mailto:carsten.delellis at delellis.net>
carsten.delellis at delellis.net


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