Ubuntu without pre-installed software?

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 16:32:55 UTC 2012

On 18 September 2012 17:27, Johnny Rosenberg <gurus.knugum at gmail.com> wrote:
> I had no intention to reach Canonical; they wouldn't listen anyway. I
> just wrote into the wrong list, sorry. I guess there is a discussion
> list that I should have written to instead, but let's ju drop the
> whole thing right now.

Well, there's Bikeshed, the reborn Sounder.

bikeshed at googlegroups.com

It is more or less permanently off-topic, but you would be very
welcome to join us, as is anyone else reading this!

As for a minimal, customisable Ubuntu - well, the netinst ISO is a
good suggestion. Failing that, there is Debian! :¬)

Liam Proven • Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk • GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
MSN: lproven at hotmail.com • Skype/AIM/Yahoo/LinkedIn: liamproven
Tel: +44 20-8685-0498 • Cell: +44 7939-087884

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