Authoring tool lyx is missing document classes

Kevin O'Gorman kogorman at
Mon Sep 17 02:12:52 UTC 2012

I used LaTex, and to a lesser extent lyx, when I was in grad school 10
years ago.  I'm back to authoring, and would like to use them again.
I loaded up everything that seemed pertinent to lyx and tetex
(English) in the repos, but lyx comes up complaining it has no
article.cls to work with.  It has none of the others, either.

So, the natural questions are:
- is lyx still supported?
- Is tetex  kept current?
- Where do I find document classes?
- Where do I put them when I've found them?

Anybody here knop?

Kevin O'Gorman

programmer, n. an organism that transmutes caffeine into software.

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