Sibelius Scorch under Wine

Colin Law clanlaw at
Fri Sep 14 12:33:06 UTC 2012

On 14 September 2012 11:10, Joep L. Blom <jlblom at> wrote:
> On 10-09-12 16:19, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 10 September 2012 14:00, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
>>> On 8 September 2012 22:14, Colin Law <clanlaw at> wrote:
>>>> A couple of years ago (well 6 actually) Alan Pope provided some
>>>> instructions on getting Sibelius Scorch working under Wine [1] .
>>>> Unfortunately following them now provides a system that though it
>>>> basically works crashes repeatedly with "memory corruption in windows
>>>> process heaps".   Does anyone have any more up to date experience with
>>>> this?
> Colin,
> I use for several years XP as guest in VMware to run the competing music
> notation software "Finale" and it works like a charm. I use it practically
> daily and have no problems. Even playing the written score works (not always
> completely correct). I can even record music using my electronic piano, the
> midi is then displayed as a score.
> Wine is - in my experience - able to do everything but I haven't tried in
> years.
> A Linux/ubuntu alternative is MuseScore which is usable but misses still
> some of the options Finale delivers, for me the show-stopper is the absence
> of what is called in Finale "Scroll view" where all staves are displayed
> continuously scrolling on your screen (i.e. 2 for a single piano score, 4
> for 2 piano's and 21 for a Big band score).


Thanks for that, I will pass it on (it is my daughter who is the musician).


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