[xubuntu 12.04] Update-manager produces segmentation fault

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Sat Sep 8 21:00:18 UTC 2012

On 8 September 2012 21:51, Robert Spanjaard <spamtrap at arumes.com> wrote:
> On my netbook with Xubuntu 12.04 installed, update-manager suddenly won't
> run anymore. I first noticed it when I tried to run it earlier today from
> the "updates available" notification. It used the CPU for a couple of
> seconds, and then I got the "crash detected" notification.

On the crash detection dialog is there a Details option?  If so what
does it say?

Do you get the option of reporting the crash?  If so then do that and
it may tell you if it is a known bug.


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