Silly question relating to graphics cards?

Felix Miata mrmazda at
Wed Sep 5 12:58:10 UTC 2012

On 2012/09/05 12:39 (GMT+0100) Liam Proven composed:

> David Fletcher wrote:

>> why isn't there an Intel based PCI-E graphics card
>> for putting into desktop computers?

> They do exist but they are rare.

> The reasons are 2 fold&  quite simple:
> [a] In recent years, Intel GPUs are built into the CPU itself and
> before that into the motherboard chipset; they are not discrete
> components.

> [b] Intel GPUs are so poor in performance nobody would buy one as an
> upgrade. :¬)

> But they used to exist.

> There are or were also graphics cards from many other vendors -
> Matrox, 3DFX, S3, SIS, Hercules, Via and dozens of others. However all
> were poor compared to the high-end 3D GPUs that came out of ATI and
> nVidia. In the end,  by the PCI-E era, everyone else gave up.

Doesn't look like it to me:

Since I never do anything that is "3D", I've yet to observe any advantage to 
chips offering "3D". To be sure, I have been disappointed to find Intel video 
unable with single core P4 CPUs up to 3.4GHGZ to play HD video with e.g. VLC 
and SMPlayer that the FOSS drivers and ATI & NVidia chips can.
"The wise are known for their understanding, and pleasant
words are persuasive." Proverbs 16:21 (New Living Translation)

  Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata  ***

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