Installing on an old Eee PC 900

Mariano Jara Melagrani marianojara at
Tue Oct 30 15:42:58 UTC 2012

On Sun, 28 Oct 2012 18:11:06, Liam Proven <lproven at> wrote:
> On 28 October 2012 18:03, Johnny Rosenberg<gurus.knugum at>  wrote:
>> 2012/10/28 Liam Proven<lproven at>:
>>> On 27 October 2012 13:51, Johnny Rosenberg<gurus.knugum at>  wrote:
>>>> What is the lightest/fastest Debian based Gnome distribution out there?
>>> Debian.
>>>> I want Gnome 3 but no Gnome shell.
> There is not much out there that is lighter and faster than Lubuntu.
> Things that are:
> * PuppyLinux (runs as root all the time, so massively insecure&  dangerous)
> * DamnSmallLinux (obsolete as the creator&  the maintainer fell out
> and the former has been unable to keep it updated on his own)
> * Crunchbang (worth a look, but does not have a "desktop" as such)
> * Maybe possibly VectorLinux if you use IceWM or something
Not specifically what you asked for but, Slitaz is fast and light. I 
think 4.0 is the latest stable version. I used it on a Celeron/256-RAM 
box without issues.

Mariano Jara Melagrani

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