Upgrading to Non-Current Distribution

Kenneth Jacker khj at be.cs.appstate.edu
Sun Oct 28 17:16:40 UTC 2012

Thanks for your prompt reply!

  cl> You will have to do this in two stages, to 11.10 then to 12.04.
  cl> Update Manager should give you the option of going to 11.10, then it
  cl> will give you the further option when that is complete.

Note that I will most likely be doing all of this from the "command
line", not the GUI 'Update Manager'.  Guess I'll use something like
"apt-get upgrade".

But won't that go directly to the latest distribution.  Here's what the
'apt-get' "man page" says:

       "'upgrade' is used to install the newest versions 
        of all packages currently installed ..."

Wouldn't "newest versions" be the 12.10 files/packages?

Thanks again for your help,


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