12.10 problems blank screen

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Oct 24 06:19:32 UTC 2012

24 October 2012  at 4:07, ubuntu-users-request at lists.ubuntu.com wrote:
ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 98, Issue 85 (at least in part)

>Message: 8
>Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 02:06:41 -0200
>From: Lucio M Nicolosi <lmnicolosi at gmail.com>
> <CAE2v4gDV2osc+EFOXhiJQcu+EREThV9KbB9Gha6Si1jX0Mzupw at mail.gmail.com>

>On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 10:16 AM, Grizzly <Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> Just trying out 12.10 (32bit Desktop) trial LiveUSB\

>> boots eventually
>> desktop screen background shows but no menus or icons (just the red swirly
>> pic)
>> network disconnected pops up
>> Ctrl+Alt+Del brings logout dialogue
>> PrtScr brings ScreebGrab dialogue
>> E-mail button brings up Thunderbird email settings
>> Volume up down buttons work as expected

>> AFAICT no other Keyboard shortcut does anything
>> Loging out brings a login dialogue & limited top right menu

>> any ideas what went  wrong and how to get it working



>"Desktop Interface

>Please install available updates to ensure that the issues below will
>be fixed on your system.

>The file manager process, nautilus, is crashing sometimes.
>(1053862) Even if you have not opened a Files window, it manages the
>desktop background. If nautilus crashes, restart it, with the 'Home
>Folder' button on the Launcher, or 'Files' in the Dash. Even when you
>close that window, nautilus will be managing the desktop again.
>Without it, you'll see some of these symptoms (952321) :
>        No icons on the desktop.
>        No menu when right-clicking the desktop.
>        When no application windows are showing (i.e. when the
>desktop, rather than any window, has the focus), important Unity keys
>like Super and Alt will not work.
>        The file manager's quicklist will not show the usual bookmarks. "

excuse me my ignorance but how do I get to Home (or any) button if none are 

>And legacy video boards incompatibility, etc, etc...

>If you really want to upgrade, (12.04,01 is running nicely) try
>installing (from terminal) another desktop, say Gnome 3 or Xubuntu.
>Gnome Classic (no effects) will surely work.

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