Unix copy method not working for gnome terminal

oxy oxyopes at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 23 13:37:27 UTC 2012

wait, its not really true. It seems that copying
by selecting does only not work from inside a vi window.
>From normal shell window it does work...

On 10/23/12, oxy <oxyopes at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> old copy method for unix terminals is not working for my
> GNOME Terminal on ubu 12.04.
> I select the text with the mouse but its not copied (no Ctrl-C pressed).
> If I select the text and try to copy thru the menus Edit>copy, this
> option isnt available.
> If I select the text from another application it works.
> Paste works, thus i can select from firefox and paste
> (middle-click) on terminal.
> What happened?
> Thx...

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