remote access software

Emiliano Vazquez emilianovazquez at
Tue Nov 27 18:34:56 UTC 2012

 >>Really?? I had better not allow my to expire then.
 >>What about NoIP? They had a free service.

The free service of no-ip really sucks, they have a terms of use very 
complicated and when you have problems with your isp they block your 
account without notice.

I'm still using this service because dyndns stop your free service about 
a year ago.

Don't forget to tell linda she need portfordward at least one port if 
she is behind a router.

Best regards.

Emiliano Vazquez | PcCentro Informatica & CCTV
Office: +54 (11) 4635-3218 Interno 4
Movil: 011-15-6253-7165
Mail: emilianovazquez at

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