which GUI?

Colin Law clanlaw at googlemail.com
Mon Nov 19 08:40:16 UTC 2012

On 19 November 2012 08:27, Patrick Asselman <iceblink at seti.nl> wrote:
> On 2012-11-19 10:13, Colin Law wrote:
>> On 19 November 2012 08:00, Patrick Asselman <iceblink at seti.nl> wrote:
>>> Okay I'm hoping to get some solid advice here, after I heard that you
>>> even
>>> advise on emptying anal glands...
>>> Ubuntu server 12.04.1 LTS
>>> Running on a server in a rack at some hosting company
>>> No physical access to the machine
>>> Some people need to get access to do stuff on there, but they don't
>>> really
>>> know Linux, so I need a GUI for them
>>> The GUI will only work via some remote desktop type system
>> What sort of things do they need to do?
>> Colin
> Open some php files, edit them, save them. (Advice on a nice editor for this
> is also welcome).

For editting files you could edit them from the PC using an ssh
connection to access the files.  Then the user can use his favourite
Windows editor.

> Maybe do some stuff in MySQL.

Again, could you use remote access to the mysql server?  Alternatively
web based access such as phpmyadmin (I know there are some security
issues with this but I imagine there may be alternatives).
Alternatively again, if they are using command line mysql then no gui
is required.  Just ssh into the server.

> Install software (i.e. click "proceed" for a few dozen times).

Not sure at all what you mean by this.


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