which GUI?

Patrick Asselman iceblink at seti.nl
Mon Nov 19 08:27:56 UTC 2012

On 2012-11-19 10:13, Colin Law wrote:
> On 19 November 2012 08:00, Patrick Asselman <iceblink at seti.nl> wrote:
>> Okay I'm hoping to get some solid advice here, after I heard that 
>> you even
>> advise on emptying anal glands...
>> Ubuntu server 12.04.1 LTS
>> Running on a server in a rack at some hosting company
>> No physical access to the machine
>> Some people need to get access to do stuff on there, but they don't 
>> really
>> know Linux, so I need a GUI for them
>> The GUI will only work via some remote desktop type system
> What sort of things do they need to do?
> Colin

Open some php files, edit them, save them. (Advice on a nice editor for 
this is also welcome).
Maybe do some stuff in MySQL.
Install software (i.e. click "proceed" for a few dozen times).

That's about it I think.


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